Tipps & Tricks

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Tipps & Tricks

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Settings in the project manager

Some of the project settings can be changed directly in the project manager. Just right click in the area of the setting. In our example, we can change the state by right clicking on the state of the project "Planning".


You can also mark multiple projects and change a setting.


Use the buttons at the bottom of your Xpert-Timer project manager to hide and show certain areas in your project manager.


Settings in the To-Do list

The same functionality as in the project list is also available in the To-Do list. You can edit the entries by right clicking into the area of the list you want to change. So if you want to change a priority of a certain task, make sure you right click into the column priority with the focus on the task you want to change.


You can drag&drop your tasks in your To-Do list. So if you want move your task into another category you can easily drag&drop it on another project or another category.s